Saturday, October 30, 2010

Tech Help

Hacked Accounts

If you have your account hacked:

1.) Contact Blizz immediately
2.) Contact the guild at this site or our email(s) - we can also report on your behalf to Blizz

*Authenticators are recommended and can be purchased online on the offical Blizzard website. An authenticator can be registered to your account and will generate a new number for you to log in with everytime to prevent hackers.

Lag Issues

You can fix lag by:

In Game:

-Adjusting the interface in the wow settings. (Accessed when pressing escape).

Out of Game:

-Defragmenting your computer - under control panel settings. (This will allow for you to reorganize files so that your computer will run quicker/ more smoothly and perhaps - though not guaranteed - to give you a better gaming experience).

-Cogfix add-on: found on cursegaming - it's supposed to fix any freezing in dungeons and sometimes glitches.

-You do not have enough memory - your computer is too congested with random crap. Delete the files/ programs that you don't need that might be taking up too much memory. Freeing up memory might allow the game to run better - though it is not guaranteed.

-Your computer is crap/ too old - you may need videocard that will allow for good graphics to run without lag. If you cannot find a cheap way to pimp your comp. for wow - you may need a new comp. altogether.


There are frequently advertisers in wow that can be found in trade chat or who will whisper you about something that will ultimately try to direct you to a website. Do not go to any of those websites; they are phony and ways to get your account hacked. These people tend to advertise for free gold, free mounts/ pets, game testers, or will threaten you by saying your account is in violation of something or other. Please report and ignore hackers to stop their annoying madness.

Safety/ Common Sense

Never give your account or important real life information to others. Not even guildees. We are a very close guild, but for safety purposes disclose rl info at your own risk. Should you feel that you are being seriously harassed by another guild member please contact the guild master or co-leader, and we will attempt to resolve the situation. If a member is found to be a serious threat, they will be automatically kicked from guild without vote, not allowed to rejoin, and possibly reported to Blizzard. (Note: Occassional annoyances are not considered serious harassments. Please do not report anyone casually. If you report someone we need to be able to trust you are being honest, and attempt to provide specific proof of the incident(s)).

:) Miori (:

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