Pledge - new members who must undergo a probationary period of 2 days before they can be promoted. These members do not have access to the guildbank, or will receive a tabard until they are promoted. New members will not receive vent info until they are Sobeks. Any member who is not on for a month and has not notified the guild can be demoted to pledge.
Sobek-Rank 4 (lvl 1-55) this rank and higher can now send guild invites and create guild events
Horus- Rank 3 (lvl 56-74)
Anubis- Rank 2 (lvl 75-85 and honored with the guild)
Amon Re- Guild Officers (Rank 1) These members should be regularly active, and display exemplary behavior as a guild member. Officers are knowledgeable, understanding people who never beg and can thrive independently. They are in charge in the absence of the guild leaders. **Officers must be lvl 85 and honored with the guild, willing to sacrifice their time to help other guildees, help with guild achieves, challenges and weekly goals, and guild lvling, and commit to scheduled events that they sign up for.**
Osiris-Guild Co-Leader
Isis- Guild Master
-We check to promote members through the armory system every Sunday. If you entered the guild as a high level, we do not automatically promote you. After you become a Sobek, you must spend 2 weeks at each position before you are allowed to get your next promotion. If you believe that we failed to promote you one week please let us know.
Alternate Characters
Alts do not necessarily get promotions and the privileges of mounts because their main character has already received this. (Unless for some reason that they did not - mounts will not be distributed to each new toon). Alts that the guild knows are allowed instant promotion from pledge to sobek since they have already endured the probationary period. People who have many alts and are not active, will not receive alt demotions for being inactive as long as they are active on at least one character.
Promotions - General helpfulness, dedication, and kindness/ respect for others are all grounds for promotions. "Helpfulness" can be helping the guild by donating money, mats, lvling your profs, giving others advice, and helping them in person.
Demotions - These are only given if members have become inactive for over a month without notice. Serious disrespectful behavior, excessive bank draining, and disregard for the guild rules can get people demoted or kicked. Before anyone is kicked, there is usually a guild vote decided by the officers. For those who are kicked, they are not allowed back into the guild until an officer guild vote has been passed to reguild them. Only the guild master or co-leader has the right to veto these votes. Guildees that have been kicked must undergo another pledge probationary period.
*Excessive guild hopping is not permitted*
Prolonged Member Absences
For prolonged absences without notice, after 4 months we reserve the right to remove members from guild. (Alt's may have exceptions as long as their main is active). If you would like to remain in the guild and will be gone for a long time please let us know and we will not kick you. Due to the new cata changes and the guild leveling system, we have temporarily frozen the the 4 month kick session as something that was previously standard. If the toon in this guild is not your main or you have other servers you play on that is fine, just check in with us so we know you are still out there and want to stay in the guild.
Current Officers
Guild Master- Miori
Guild Co-Leader-Holyleet
Amon Re-Jadenakom, Syphaeous, Sitibis
Unfortunately we do not have enough active guild members to give out any more officer promotions at this time.
Pros/Cons of Achieving a Higher Rank in Guild
-With each rank promotion you are allowed to withdraw more money from the bank. Officers can withdraw the most and get the privilege of using the exec tab in the guild bank. Officers have access to the guild email and major website editing/ decisions.
-Officers are expected to help the rest of the guild members the most, and help with banking or donations if needed.
Note: Everyone after the pledge period can invite people to the guild. Only the guild leaders can promote/demote and kick members. After the pledge period you may withdraw your daily limit for the bank each day, but donate what you can when you can.
:) Miori (:
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