Saturday, October 30, 2010

Guild Rules

The Eye of Osiris is dedicated to...

Guild Rules

1.) Helping all members lvl their characters, professions, achievements, etc.
2.) Helping all members make money and make guild money.
3.) Congratulate all new members when they reach lvl 20 with a donation of 8g towards their new mount.

I. Serious trashtalkers will be ousted. Don't fight in guild chat.

II. Don't abuse the bank system. Donate what you can when you can.

(Online Blog Rules): To avoid mass confusion this website can be edited by officers only for the moment. Guildees are encouraged to make their own gmail and blogspot accounts to post on the blog in the meantime. Only officers have the permission to delete and modify the major contents of the site. Please sign your posts so we know who wrote what. Please refrain from excessive swearing/ rude language - this is not a place to harass other guild members. The intention of this blog is for posting wow/ guild related information. Extended topics that are non-related to the game either need to be approved, or risk the chance of being deleted. Please do not spam the blog with irrelevant random convo. Should these rules be violated the password will be changed, and the offender will lose blogging privileges.



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