Saturday, October 30, 2010


Ideally I would like to have a guild screenshot gallery, but for now here is a couple of my fave shots I've taken, that I eventually plan to turn into my own 2011 calendar. If you are interested when I'm finished making it, I'll post the link to the website where it can be ordered. Expect an update in Dec. ~Miori

Minutes before Miori & Gamonson destroy Serg, Rage, Wrogue & Saza

4th of July Celebration & Raid w/ Guild Infinite Supremacy

Jaden's Raid

Campfire Stories & Bad Jokes in GS

GS Party

Critter Getter Achieve

Looks lk Immu's Elekk got hungry and ate Miori & her mount

                                                    Orianna (Miori) & Serg on Horde toons

                                     Miori & Serg watch the guild party before Darkmoon Faire

Sit pukes

Some old guildees

Dungeon disaster - rest assure - Gam died in the end too

Gamonson fights to the death for berserker stance

Midsummer Fire Festival



                           Waiting for Noobs to try to auction things w/ Miori (works all the time!)

Miori walks the plank on Pirates Day

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