Guild Weekly Goals - Every Monday there will be a new MOTD (Message of the Day) that will state the guild's weekly goals. Guild goals aren't mandatory but they are a way for the guild to become one step closer to a guild achieve or get the guild closer to lvling. Guild goals are set realistically so that each member can do a little bit each day to help out the guild if they choose to do so. Guild goals may are directly associated with the guild achieves and will naturally help you and the guild grow. If you would like to suggest a new goal please do so!
Guild Challenges - The guild challenges are designed by WOW to help lvl the guild. Every week they reset. They include 7 dungeons, 1 raid, 3 won rated battlegrounds. It is now a weekly goal to complete the dungeon challenges. We have a committed set group of 85s that grind a quick/easy cata reg. to complete this goal. We do one D a day Mon-Fri at 5pm realm time. We complete the other 2 over the weekends at random times. Should we be unable to get one done M-F we make up for it on the weekends. The set 3 people that have committed to this event follow the 10 minute rule and the wipe rule; should you end up in group with us, do not take it personally.
"The Daily Commitment" - A set group of people in guild have agreed to do dailies everyday in attempt to lvl guild. WOW has made it so the dailies that give the guild the most experience are the lvl 85 Ttol dailies. If you are lvl 85, and would like to join us in Tol to help out the guild we'd be glad to have you! If you are under 85 or just plain tired of Tol and want to do other dailies that's fine too, we appreciate any participation that you can contribute.
Dungeon/Raid Schedule - as stated above we do the cata regs once a day M-F as according to the schedule. Once a week on Sat's at 4 or 5 pm realm time we try to schedule a raid.
Note: We currently use realm time only to avoid confusion for people. Realm time is US Pacific time. We have come up with our times based on what is doable for our most committed and participating members. Should you like to schedule another event at a different time that is perfectly fine. More groups are desirable. Guild dungeon groups must have a min. of 3 guild members to count for challenges, achieves, and guild exp. Guild Raid groups will must have a min. of 8 guild members to count for the same. If we do not have enough people to do the event we will attempt by advertising outside of the guild so we can complete it for the people who showed up; however, low numbers may vote to terminate the event. Though we would like to do more, we would need more numbers or committed members.
Raid schedulers: Please do not make an event and no show. We do not have to go through with the event if you are not there. Raid schedulers should keep in mind picking appropriate times to schedule their raids. They should also research their raids if possible, or if the raid is a difficult one. If it is a high level raid you need to post that people must be appropriate lvl and post the required min. ilvl. If the raid cannot run without a specific number of tanks and heals, those people (whether they are in guild or not) need to be confirmed before the raid begins. If these things are not together - members that have signed up, reserve the right to bail on your raid before it even begins due to your own disorganization.
PVP/ Arena Teams - We currently do not have an organized schedule of any pvp activities. We do BG's and arena teams on the fly. We do have organized arena teams amongst ourselves but no one has established anything serious. If you would like to create something for us we are open to it!
Guild Achieves- With the new cata expansion there are now guild goals. Guild goals help lvl the guild and ultimately bring us together as guildees. Guild achieve completion makes the guild look like a great place to be, and Miori is achieve crazy, so the guild achieves are highly valued.
Guild Bank Liquidations - No we have not been robbed...When the bank fills up, the guild leaders will withdraw 90-95% of the guild bank contents to vend or sell at AH. We usually give a week - 24hr. notice before we liquidate. If you do not claim anything before that period is up, do not expect it to be there when you return. We do our best to mail out any items we feel other players may be able to use. Any gray/ white items, food/mana, bandages, potions/scrolls that people have not picked up will be vended. Greens and blues get disenchanted and we sell the mats at AH. Cloth gets turned into bags and sold on AH as well. Liquidate sales may take several days to complete. If something doesn't sell after 3 days we cut our losses and vend it. After the sales are over we report how much we made in total in tthe MOTD. If you feel that it is a low number then keep in mind that it may be due to the quality/quantity and monetary worth of the item deposited. If you want more - deposit it!
Note: Liquidators may withdraw a small fee from GB that came out of their accts to recompensate them for AH deposit or mailing fees.
What is GB Money used for?
We use the money for guild repairs, and it is also there to help guild members if they need to withdraw for their own purchases. You can withdraw only a certain amount per day based on your guild rank. If that amount does not cover your repairs then you are most likely a high level, and therefore we feel that you make enough to cover the rest of your repairs. Should at any time you need more then what you can withdraw, please ask a guild leader. Lavish requests or daily requesting are not looked highly upon. We currently give 8g to new members for training and their first mount. At lvl 40 we try to help you the best we can with the mounts. Any mounts after the lvl 40 are your responsiblity. Money is also saved for more bank tabs, or for special guild events such as the guild birthday, member birthdays or lottery giveaways. Money is reserved for profession lvling as well. We like to store enough money where if you need something reasonable then we can give it to you.
Lottery/ Guild giveaways - the lottery happen once a month. You pay 5c, 5s or 5g depending on your frequent lvl or currency per every number you enter. (Numbers are from 1-100) When lottery comes guild witnesses gather to witness the roll. A random guild participant in the group /roll a number and that number is the winner. Everyone is allowed to witness the roll if they are available. If they are unavailable there will always be witnesses. Guild leaders cannot be witnesses. If no one hits the number - the lottery proceeds go to guild and the money remains in the bank. The closest to the number may win a small consolation prize. If there is a winner, the winner gets the lottery proceeds and gets the prize or may take the option to receive the equivalent of the prize in gold.
Trivia - Every now and then we randomly and spontaneously do guild trivia. This is simple and goes something like this: "5g to whoever can answer this question first... Name the comedy movie, "movie quote." Hints result in less gold, and whoever wins is mailed the money. Trivia can be started by anyone at anytime for any price, and may be about any topic.
*Note: Please stay clean with your trivia topics and if you are serious about Trivia then be fair and pay up your said amount. Select questions that are fair to everyone. Don't be so obscure that no one will have a chance. Don't select questions that cater only to certain friends. Don't rig trivia - that's just plain sad. Guild leaders/ officers will not want to be bothered by trivia money disputes so settle monetary disputes amongst yourselves, and settle trivia nerd rage with google. If someone abuses trivia frequently to the point where it is annoyingly out of control then you may consult an officer.
LvL 85 parties- When people hit 85 the entire guild celebrates you for the day! We leave you as the MOTD and will throw you a party wherever you like.
Guild RL Bdays - RL Bdays will be celebrated in game with a guild announcement and a present of their choice that meets the individual needs of the guild member for one of their characters. Outrageous and impossible requests for presents will not be taken. Year of birth and RL age are personal business, and may remain unknown or known at the discretion of the guild member. See guild calendar for birthday updates.
Tabard Contests- Though we have yet to do this....The idea behind this is to create the guild a new tabard. Anyone can go to the guild vendor and design a tabard, take a screenshot and email the screenshot to the guild email address. Guild members can then view the tabards and vote on their favorites, by mailing their votes to the guild leader by whatever designated date. The tabard with the most votes is the winner and we then change the tabard to that design for a designated period of time.
Elections - Officer elections occur 3 times a year. Jan. 2nd, June 15th, and Sept. 1st. People eligible for these elections must be an Anubis. Officers may run as many times as they want, and can keep their position if no one opposes them. Officer-elects must pass the current officer vote to become an officer. If the current leaders feel that for any reason you should not be an officer because you lack the qualities of the position, they can deny your promotion. Adding/Reducing officer positions can happen based on the numbers of guild members. Officer is an elite position in the guild so it is not added and reduced frequently. We will not reduce/ demote officers within a current term unless a member becomes highly inactive within the guild, or displays unsatisfactory behavior. Before an officer is demoted the leaders and officers will vote on whether they feel the person can retain their position.
You Mad Bro? (*Applies to dungeons/raids/ event scheduling)
"The 10 Minute Rule"- If guild members have made a verbal commitment, or have signed up for an event, and are not logged on for the scheduled event. Other members reserve the right to replace them, start without them, or cancel the event after waiting 10 minutes. This is out of fairness to everyone and allows people to feel that their time is not wasted. Things happen, we understand, but don't take it personally if we go on without you because we waited :)
"The Wipe Rule" - If we are in a heroic or high lvl raid, or any other similar situation and "it just ain't happenin..." we reserve the right after the 4th attempt on any boss to cut our losses. If people are committed to a raid, it would be nice if people need you, to stick it out as long as you can to finish it. However some raids are long and hard, and some groups are bad. Even if you love your guildees, there is a possibility that some raids are going to be fails. People get tired of it/ have things to do in rl or wow, and hate epic repair bills. Don't make people feel bad about leaving a raid group or make them feel like they have to stay. After the 4th attempt people have the right to be done with it, and you should gracefully respect "The Wipe Rule" without taking offense.
Creating an Event Pointers
Everyone after the pledge period can create an event. If you want people to come to your event there are a few things to keep in mind. What's a good time? People in our guild live all across the country. The best time for you, may not work for someone else. Don't schedule raids at
times when people are most likely to be in school or at work. Late afternoons, nights and weekends make ideal times. If you would like the event to start exactly at the scheduled time then you should show up early to get there. People tend to log on at the scheduled time, and then travel to the location, so anticipate fashionable late-comers. Don't schedule events that you can't make yourself! Don't get mad if the people that confirmed they were coming don't show. Things happen, it's frustrating, but it's also just a game. Schedule things at least a week in advance. Some people don't check their calendars. People need time to prepare, schedule, and remember rl, so frequent changes they might miss or become confused by.
If you want everyone to be able to participate - don't schedule an event in a location where they might not be able to attend. Low lvls might not be able to fly or physically get to a location without getting killed. Some people may not have the expansions to get to newer locations. Be specific in scheduling when it comes to time, location, and what the event is about or no one will show. Also list any min. requirements people would need should they want to participate.
Vent Etiquette
Guild now has vent. For vent info ask a fellow guildee. Tech difficulties with vent? Please ask guildees with vent as well. It's hard at first if you are new, but we can help you through it if you are patient.
New to vent? Glad to have you!
Vent adds a new level to the gaming experience. Vent is a great social system that helps with in game communication. Miori is the primary vent acct. holder for the guild. Since she pays for the vent, and has generously given everyone in guild free access to it, you need to respect her guild vent rules. Failure to do so may get you ignored, or even removed from vent access.
The primary purpose of vent is to talk about WOW. Dungeons, raids, and pvp are largely vent related usages. Should we have a large number of people in vent, we can move people that need to concentrate on direction giving or strategy planning in a room of their own. Should others want to fight or need a room of their own because there is a large number of people talking in vent, we can arrange it.
People in guild are from all different ages and backgrounds, so naturally the type of interaction varies. It's common for people to be shy in vent if they are new, and also common for people in vent to be shy towards new people. Regular convo tends to get off topic so be respectful of others and keep profanity to a min. Keep in mind that the people in vent may have been together in vent or in guild a long time together and may have formed friendships. If you are new to vent, approach people with respect and get to know them before you go crazy. If someone annoys you in vent, you have the right to ignore them, leave vent or move to another private room in vent. If someone is seriously annoying you/ harassing you in vent you may notify Miori. Serious offenders may be removed from vent access or the guild if necessary. Giving out personal information in vent is not advised, but may happen due to the friendships that form in vent. Miori is not liable or responsible for your personal vent drama. Please don't unnecessarily drag her into it. Be safe, have fun, and handle your business!
Vent Rules
Respect others in vent (No serious fighting in vent)
2.) Keep swearing/ lewd
language to a min. (Swearing is permitted as long as it's not excessive or directed
at people in vent).
3.) Keep
weird noises to a min. (Vent is not a giant torture device. Excessive random noises in vent may annoy others, so please be considerate). *Be aware that vent picks up background noises in your house, such as music, tv, family members; etc. It also picks up your own noises such as breathing or eating sometimes. Don't be creepy in vent please....
Don't forget to log out of vent! If you are not returning to vent for a long time, and are done for the day in WOW/ Vent. Please log out of vent. People in vent will otherwise wonder if you are there or not or if you are coming back.
Say hi and keep us informed. When someone signs in all we can hear is the vent log in sound but we won't know who it is and if your vent is working if we are gaming. Just say hi so we know it's you. Keep us informed if you'll brb. There's nothing more embarrassing for us if we are talking to someone who is not there.
Volume control. Everyone has different computers and sound systems. Sometimes people in vent are really loud or quiet to one person and not another. People have the right to let you know that you are too loud and need to fix your problem. We will help you to the best of our technical knowledge of vent and computer audio knowledge. It is ultimately your responsibility to fix your vent sound issues.
In vent but not in WOW? This is fine for now unless you are excessively annoying, make people uncomfortable, or are a problem causer. Should you not know how to conduct yourself, we reserve the right to restrict your vent privleges.
Use headphones! This is out of courtesy to the people in vent and the people in your real life. People in vent should be allowed to the privacy of the people in their own vent. Things can get crazy or personal in vent and that conversation is really only intended for the people in vent. Use headphones and avoid broadcasting the people in vent through your speakers. Don't subject the people in your home to our conversation either; chances are they don't want to hear it.
The Right to Ignore. If you can't stand someone you may ignore them. To the person who is being ignored - that is their right - live with it.
Room hopping. People can join different rooms as need be. Please keep in mind that constant room hopping can get annoying for other people in vent. Every time you enter and leave vent or a room, we can hear a noise that alerts us of your presence. Too much back and forth interupts conversations and is annoying. We can turn this alert noise off, but then we'll never know if you are here or not.
Vent tampering & abuse. If you somehow hack the main vent acct., you will be removed from guild and not reguilded under any circumstances. Abuse of vent includes any failure to abide by the vent rules and also applies if you should engage in sneaky/ vindictive behaviors in vent that are causing drama for the people that use the vent.
Suggestions for new events are always welcome and may be scheduled by guild members.
:) Miori (: