Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cata Screenshots

Flying in Stormwind

                                                              Seahorse Mounts in Vash
Shark Quest

                                                                 Riding a Wolf Quest

                                         How to throw a bear quest! "Yes this is perfectly safe."
Step 1.) Climb the tree

Step 2.) Spot bear.

                                            Step 3.) Cary squirming bear to the top of the tree.
                                                            Step 4.) Take a look around

                                                 Step 5.) Hurl bear at said "safe" location.

Note: attempting to bring the bears down the tree in any normal fashion will scare them back up into the tree.
Just a few teasers...will post more later.

Into the Maelstorm

Floating and experiencing some sort of spiritual journey in Hyal whether you can tell or not. Took the shot because I thought it would look cooler...oh well.

Miori being strangled by a hateful ogre on a Deepholm starship during a cinematic.

                                                                     Ride into Uldum
                                                                      Flying in Uldum
                                                                 More Uldum travels...
                                                   Posing on mount on some Uldum statues.
Screenshot of another cut scene in Uldum. There's a character Orsis that keeps coming up everywhere I go.

Statues can come to life? Who knew. This is what happens when keepin it real goes wrong...

On the inside of the Vir'naal Dam. Really cool place. So cool it needs two shots.

So I tried to help this guy and his turkey friend Gobbles out so that he could transform into whatever he was before he became a turkey. A strange ritual took place, and as it turns out... (Warning: Spoiler Alert!)

Gobbles didn't make it.

Showing off the new mount! Reins of the Northwind Drake from the Vortex Pinnacle Dungeon in Cata. Drop rate is 1% in both regular and heroic versions.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Under Construction

For those of you who may have already viewed this site, I wanted to let you know that Syph is genius who has found an even better free website provider for us. This site will hopefully be easier for the rest of the guild to interact with and will allow us to do a ton more! We are currently in the process of transferring this information to the new site, and when that is finished and up and running, we will let everyone know the information, as well as post it in guild rules section. Should you need anything in the meantime, please contact us by email at: or

Sorry for the confusion,


Saturday, October 30, 2010


Ideally I would like to have a guild screenshot gallery, but for now here is a couple of my fave shots I've taken, that I eventually plan to turn into my own 2011 calendar. If you are interested when I'm finished making it, I'll post the link to the website where it can be ordered. Expect an update in Dec. ~Miori

Minutes before Miori & Gamonson destroy Serg, Rage, Wrogue & Saza

4th of July Celebration & Raid w/ Guild Infinite Supremacy

Jaden's Raid

Campfire Stories & Bad Jokes in GS

GS Party

Critter Getter Achieve

Looks lk Immu's Elekk got hungry and ate Miori & her mount

                                                    Orianna (Miori) & Serg on Horde toons

                                     Miori & Serg watch the guild party before Darkmoon Faire

Sit pukes

Some old guildees

Dungeon disaster - rest assure - Gam died in the end too

Gamonson fights to the death for berserker stance

Midsummer Fire Festival



                           Waiting for Noobs to try to auction things w/ Miori (works all the time!)

Miori walks the plank on Pirates Day