Saturday, May 7, 2011

Just some random Guild screenies...

Syph playing in his Murloc suit.

More fun antics in this hilarious and yet finely crafted Murloc suit.

Holyleet, Syph and Droet pretending to be Miori.

Holyleet as one of Miori's bunnies, as drawn by Syph

Friday, May 6, 2011

Guild Bday Pics and More!

 Awesome Sandbox Tiger that Syph got me. Blackmailing evidence that everyone rode the spectral kitty!

Miori & Syph





Guild dungeon achieve - waiting for Druid to get stabbed. And how could we forget Syph's favorite person - the lovely Lady Jaina.

Thatworgen jumps into the cauldron in Hellfire Penisula.

What? I'd never let you die Holyleet!

Did anyone ever take the rocket from the Plaguelands?

Awww it's a dead dwarf. I meant to save you dead dwarf, but I had to be fashionably late.

Strange glitched quest in Loch Modan that I did for the the Eastern Kingdoms achieve. So yeh that's a bush on top of a drake flying....

Holy and his 3 seater mount.

The Black Temple guild raid. My men and all their debauchery. Syph, Arethas, Arathas, Sit, Druid and Hung were there too but they are not pictured.

Syph at the top of the bridge tower in Tol.

Found a way to get up there with him.

Airy and Thatworgen being silly to make a spiderworg.

This was hilarious. Thatworgen was stunned and glitched like this halfway thru the D and stayed that way long after we were done til we got into another one. While we waited for que I took pictures of his mystical mental voyage. 

Holy helping Miori with the Noblegarden achieves. Holy I think you look splendid in your bunny ears. (Don't kill me for posting this pic.)

Everyone looks good as a bunny!

Strange Howling Fjord glitch.

Panther cub stares at Syph.

Children's week brat flys a kite with me.

Guild Bday party in 1000 Needles Barge. Everything was peaceful til someone started a fight...

Strange glitch w/ Syph's face. Strange orphan wants a dad...

Man love? Serg, Arethas, Arathas, Syph.

Guildees started drinking and things just got out of control.... A glitched Santa serving up the Easter Bunny Holyleet on the grill with a fish burger?

Guild Birthday pic in Uldum

Of all the obnoxious things I could think of subjecting Holyleet to, burning him in the fire was #1 on my list.

Did you see how it beared it's venomous fangs at me? (Drew this for you Syph so look quickly cuz I'll be taking it down shortly). 


With the new Cata guild achieve, lvling, challenge and recruiting systems, and guild's growing members and vent, we've been updating a few things policy-wise. So the website layout is still a little strange, but it's all good. Extra information about the guild can be found in game by pressing "j" and checking into the tabs, or in the bank. We do our best to stay current in the game at least. This site is for more information for guild members about our policies. Who we are and what we do. It's to avoid the long gm ticket waits, to share guild screenshots, and to get in touch with members if need be - outside of wow. New pics were recently added!

Recruitment listing Info (In case you are in guild and were wondering how we advertise ourselves in the guild finder, or in case you just realized that we might be a guild for you...)

"For those addicted to the achieves, profs., dungeons and raids, we want you! We're a fun, helpful, social guild looking to expand with true team players/ active members. We have vent and new guildees under lvl 20 receive free mount/ riding."

PS. For guildees that read this, please keep your information current in the guild. So for example: update your notes if you are now a tank/dps instead of just dps. Prof. listing is now optional since there is now an entire tab dedicated to it.