Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Summer Screenshots

Guild Bday pic in Uldum.

Holyleet dead again. Not sure who's to blame for this one, but death pictures of Holyleet are always entertaining.

Holyleet somehow managed to die helping Nevereva in a starting zone. Hilarious dead in the water picture. Fail...
Strange bank glitch. In this shot you can view both of Holy's alts at the same time.

Just when you think it's safe - Idiocy rears its ugly head again. Actually - it looks well organized this time.
Farming Magister's Terrace. Artist Holyleet attacks the wyrmlings in a way that typically makes what he thinks is a smiley face.
What it would be like if Holyleet and Miori were Bloodelfs. Farming Magister's Terrace for the ever elusive white strider, which Miori eventually got.

White strider in all its glory. Yes it was farmed and not easily obtained thru a satchel from the cata call to arms.

Miori as Belf again on the new white strider in SW.

Sit expresses his hatred for Belfs and his disappointment in Miori.

Boomkin mania!

Halls of Origination Camel Achieve!!! Druid cheetah rides camel.

Druid bear on the camel.

Druid Tree on the camel! Sry I know it's getting old.

The only time Miori and Druid will ever be the same height.

Midsummer Fire Festival

Farming Dire Maul for a recipe. Bored to tears Holyleet contemplates suicide, but realizes that he'd fail at that too. 

Miori, Druid, and Ed celebrate

Runali's new pet in honor of the squishy mage.

Farming kills in Borean for the critter kill achieve.

It's like an aquarium priesty...

Sit, Druid Tree and his pet tree companion, and Miori and her pet companion Mr. Withers in everyone's fave cata dungeon Tol ' vir.

Miori preserved forever in a tiny bit of amber. Syph and Druid point and laugh.

Waiting for some idiot tank in SFK we fall asleep.(Syph, Duid, and Miori)

Miori glitched in Shadowmoon. Supposably on a flying mount - yet frozen like this instead.

Shammylocks!!! Becuzulkit and Iralock lvling in Stv.

Try #30? The never ending quest in Stonecore for Druid's trinket.

Mini Druid and Druidboss dance.

Minidruid is now bored of Druid's dancing.

Two Mio's - well I never! Such nonsense! There can only be one!!!! The twin quest in Dragonblight?

The violet protodrake, courtesy of the grandest mega nutjob achieve of them all [What a Long Strange Trip its Been]

Walked the plank in Deadmines.

Something tells me large cats were not meant to sit in chairs.

:) Mimarr (: 

Druid's Sandstone Drake

Tempest Keep raid run w/ guildees outside the summoning stone.

Tempest Keep guild achieve.

Holy melee! Army 3fold - Courtesy of Sitibis, Nodkforme, and Syph.

Miori being attacked by some vile creature.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Just some random Guild screenies...

Syph playing in his Murloc suit.

More fun antics in this hilarious and yet finely crafted Murloc suit.

Holyleet, Syph and Droet pretending to be Miori.

Holyleet as one of Miori's bunnies, as drawn by Syph

Friday, May 6, 2011

Guild Bday Pics and More!

 Awesome Sandbox Tiger that Syph got me. Blackmailing evidence that everyone rode the spectral kitty!

Miori & Syph





Guild dungeon achieve - waiting for Druid to get stabbed. And how could we forget Syph's favorite person - the lovely Lady Jaina.

Thatworgen jumps into the cauldron in Hellfire Penisula.

What? I'd never let you die Holyleet!

Did anyone ever take the rocket from the Plaguelands?

Awww it's a dead dwarf. I meant to save you dead dwarf, but I had to be fashionably late.

Strange glitched quest in Loch Modan that I did for the the Eastern Kingdoms achieve. So yeh that's a bush on top of a drake flying....

Holy and his 3 seater mount.

The Black Temple guild raid. My men and all their debauchery. Syph, Arethas, Arathas, Sit, Druid and Hung were there too but they are not pictured.

Syph at the top of the bridge tower in Tol.

Found a way to get up there with him.

Airy and Thatworgen being silly to make a spiderworg.

This was hilarious. Thatworgen was stunned and glitched like this halfway thru the D and stayed that way long after we were done til we got into another one. While we waited for que I took pictures of his mystical mental voyage. 

Holy helping Miori with the Noblegarden achieves. Holy I think you look splendid in your bunny ears. (Don't kill me for posting this pic.)

Everyone looks good as a bunny!

Strange Howling Fjord glitch.

Panther cub stares at Syph.

Children's week brat flys a kite with me.

Guild Bday party in 1000 Needles Barge. Everything was peaceful til someone started a fight...

Strange glitch w/ Syph's face. Strange orphan wants a dad...

Man love? Serg, Arethas, Arathas, Syph.

Guildees started drinking and things just got out of control.... A glitched Santa serving up the Easter Bunny Holyleet on the grill with a fish burger?

Guild Birthday pic in Uldum

Of all the obnoxious things I could think of subjecting Holyleet to, burning him in the fire was #1 on my list.

Did you see how it beared it's venomous fangs at me? (Drew this for you Syph so look quickly cuz I'll be taking it down shortly).